Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Time August

hi, nice people! wondering about several things after going thru the forums here.

We travel on airline employee passes (standby) from the States (Delta from NY, Detroit or Atlanta)

Thinking about a short visit to Tallinn in August.

We%26#39;d be staying 3 nights at the 3 Sisters Hotel

Questions, questions!!

Is that peak travel time for tourists?

Best city for us to connect to Tallinn? Copenhagen, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Frankfurt?? (sorry, we don%26#39;t fly Helsinki)

Suggested airline options from those cities.

How are prices for restaurants compared to most Eu cities?

48 hr Tallinn Card sounds like a really good buy--any thoughts or comments?

How is the typical weather in August (probably travel end of month)?

Lots of questions, I know!! Please and thank you to all who want to share.


%26#39;Peak%26#39; travel is summer...more people here in July but you will still see plenty of other tourists in August.

Stockholm via Estonian Air

Cheaper than Helsinki, Stockholm...about the same as Prague

If you are going to do all of the stuff the card gives you, then yes it is worth it. Best to figure out what you plan to do each day and see how much it will cost with/without card to see if it is worth it. They include %26#39;free public transportation%26#39; on the card but if you are staying at 3 sisters, you probably wont even use it (and if you do, it is only a few kroon)


But why not to come from Stockholm by ferry - at summertime it is really nice trip and in evening you will go to ferry and on morning you will be already here :) Beginning of August there is Madonna concert and then there will be too many people here... But august is best time for estonia - weather is the best, nights are light and people are much more friendly and smiley :)


thanks so much for all the tips!!

I will look at the TCard again--good point about being at 3 Sisters and our stay includes airport transfers to hotel.

Good to know Madonna will be there is early August, so we can plan for much later!

We may have to take a ferry since we don%26#39;t have an agreement with Estonia Air to get special pricing. We chose Czeck Air and Prague because we pay very little and the flight schedule isn%26#39;t bad. I%26#39;ll keep looking--Frankfurt is good but I don%26#39;t know about Lufthansa rates/times yet.

Thanks again--please keep answering all the questions we have for you local experts!

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