Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Parnu - Sindi - Paikuse

I%26#39;ll be doing a bit of a family history trip to Estonia to visit the towns that my grandparents came from, and so I am wondering about the best way to get from Tallinn to Sindi -- I%26#39;m assuming it will be via Parnu. On a map they (Sindi and Parnu) appear to be very close. Also, are there buses between Sindi and Paikuse?

Sorry for the vague information...I%26#39;m only in the beginning stages of planning for this trip.


Taxi may be an option as the distance isn%26#39;t far.

For bus from Pärnu to Sindi,


Also looks like you can catch the bus from Sindi to Paikuse too according to the same page.


that%26#39;s great, thanks!

any idea what the typical rate is for a taxi? (per km, per minute of travel, etc?)


I haven%26#39;t used one in Estonia as I always rent a car.

But from the website:


Rate is:

Aprox. prices

Start price: 25 kr Kilometer price: 10 kr Waiting hour price: 150 kr

Trip to Sindi should be less than 20 km. Not sure if they charge to go outside the city though.

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