Thursday, March 29, 2012

City Tour tickets

Is it possible to buy a city tour ticket from Tallinn harbor upon arrival?


What I would recommend you to do is to buy a Tallinn Card. It gives you free public transport, free entrance to museums, discounts at cafes, restaurants and for entertainment etc. Also you get the city tours for free. I found more information about it here:


Sorry, the link in my previous post does not work right: the full stop in the end should not be together with the link. Try this:


Can I use Euros in Tallinn? If not, where can I exchange money?


You cannot use Euros in Tallinn (a few small shops will take them but officially the Euro is not used here). Do not exchange them at the easy exchange places...they advertise one rate on the door then give you a worse rate inside. Go to a real bank if in Tallinn or you can exchange them on the ferry.


I wouldn%26#39;t bother with the Tallinn Card if I were you. You have to be an absolute glutton for museums to get your money%26#39;s worth.


For one afternoon, and one morning, should we take a city tour, or just walk the city on our own? We leave Fl in the morning. I hope to have access to computer in Finland.


I have to recommend taking a tour for Old can walk around on your own but unless you have a good guidebook, you won%26#39;t really know what you are looking at. I like to know the history of these beautiful buidlings. I took a really good walking tour of Old Town with City Bike ( that wasnt very expensive and was only an hour and 1/2. I don%26#39;t recommend a %26#39;whole city%26#39; tour though...lots of boring stuff that you probably won%26#39;t even care about. The Kadriorg area is nice if you have time in the afternoon, but you don%26#39;t need a tour for that...just take the tram marked %26#39;Kadriorg%26#39; and get off at the last stop.


Thanks for such good information.


There%26#39;s a suggested walking tour of Tallinn at

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