Thursday, March 29, 2012

Telephone / Internet Service

We will be in NZ for 3 months from Oct. to Feb. and want to keep in touch with family back home in Canada. Can anyone recommend a good pay as you go phone plan and also advise on how we can use our lap top while there.


Please post the message in th NZ forum, you are more likely to get a reply from there. This forum is for Tallinn, Estonia.


This is the second NZ post to the Tallinn forum this week (different users)...I wonder why this is happening...


given that forums are organized by continents or part of the world (europe, asia, central america etc)it is odd. is tehre another estonia out there :)?


Maybe post is here because Estonians are so proud that Skype is here :) And as skype is best solution to marilyn problem then it is right place somehow... - really good to have this... Last time I was in India I had long chats with my grandma and this cost me some pennies :)

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