Thursday, March 29, 2012

cheapest ticket from Helsinki to Tallinn

which ferry company offers the cheapest round trip ticket from Helsinki to Tallinn and back Helsinki in June?


Linda Line is the cheapest of the fast ferries (1½ hours each way). Eckerö Lines is often the cheapest of the slow boats (3+ hours each way), but there are frequently special offers which change the picture. If every cent counts, check the websites of Tallink, Viking and Eckerö for the best price of the day.


Thanks a lot, are there locker facilities at the Tallinn ferry terminal or nearby for backpackers like me?


Can%26#39;t remember - check the ferry operator%26#39;s website. If there%26#39;s no mention of it, try emailing them. A politely worded note in English, not too long, usually gets a reply.


yes, there are lockers. And D terminal (that%26#39;s the terminal for Tallink%26#39; ships) even has an old-fashioned storage room. All info on terminals can be found at;p1=10%26amp;t=passengers - the port of Tallinn%26#39;s site.

Linda Line is kind of sensitive to weather. With a bit of wind that trips are cancelled. Keep an eye on the round trip offers, Viking tends to surprise with excellent offers.


I went with Viking and got my trip for 500EEK round trip (about $41 US) friend just came from Helsinki this weekend on Linda Line and paid $47 one way. So check the websites before you book.

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