Friday, March 23, 2012

Baltics itinerary - any suggestions ?

Hi guys,

I%26#39;m planning a trip to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in mid September.

Roughly it%26#39;s looking like this:

Sat: Arrive morning in Kaunas - bus to Vilnius

Sun: Vilnius

Mon: Vilnius

Tue: Cesis and Sigulda

Wed: Jurmala / Cape Kolka

Thu: Riga

Fri: Riga

Sat: Tallinn

Sun: Talinn

Was thinking of driving the first leg until Riga and then bussing it to Tallinn.

Am I being practical with this itinerary and can anyone suggest any changes?

Distances seem quite large in the Baltics and not sure how easy the driving will be.

Thanks in advance.

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