Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Watching Rugby World Cup in Tallinn

Dear all,

Am travelling to Tallinn this weekend and really excited and looking forward to it! Alas, we%26#39;re also big rugby fans and really want to catch the France/New Zealand match on Saturday night. Can someone please advise us where we can watch rugby in Tallinn? Any bar/pub etc? Many thanks!


mollies irish bar, nimeta and nemega bars


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Removed on: 1:23 am, September 05, 2009

Etiquette when speaking to an Estonian?

I have travelled to Estonia numerous occasions in the past, and will be returning soon to meet some local Estonians we met on our last visit.

Obviously I am aware of the history of Estonia, so that in mind is there any subjects I should avoid commenting on? Are Estonians keen to enter into a discussion about their countries history or do they prefer to forget the past?

Now I am able to easily differentiate between Estonians and the local Russian speaking population are there any issue that I should be aware of?


Middle-aged and older Estonians that we met on a recent trip often spoke of Soviet times (in negative terms). If circumstances are appropriate I would see no harm in raising such issues, but would suggest you avoid making judgmental comments.


As a young Estonian I can say there is no subjects I wouldn%26#39;t like to talk about. We can%26#39;t and don%26#39;t want to forget the past as the history is a big part of what we are. I think everybody here has a parent or relative who was deported to Siberia in 1941 or 49 and there%26#39;s nowhere to escape from those facts.

Also I don%26#39;t mind if people are judgemental as we are very used to it that big nations don%26#39;t completely understand small nations and that Western countries take many things for granted.

Estonians usually say what they think and are not too polite, so if you have any doubts, then you can just ask your friends if they want to discuss those issues and they will tell you.


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Removed on: 10:20 pm, September 10, 2009

Book on Tallinn

Does anyone have any recomendation for what %26quot;pocket%26quot; book I should buy on Tallinn.. and reasons please....




Download a copy of the %26quot;In your pocket guide%26quot; and then buy a full copy when you arrive. Take a little time to go through the hard copy because it will tell you about any happenings in the city, also it will tell you which bus or tram to catch to wherever you want to go.

The %26quot;Footprint%26quot; guide is also a fount of information and together they should be enough to make you quite well informed.

I also buy a copy of the City Paper as soon as we arrive at our hotel, it usually has a few interesting articles in it about Estonia as well as the other Baltic countries.



appreciate that Jackie..


We got an %26quot;Tallinn In Your Pocket%26quot; duide when we got to the city and it was great. Very good listings especially for sightseeing and restaurants.

Otherwise the Lonely Planet %26quot;Best of Tallinn%26quot; guidebook was quite useful and as Jackie said the Footprint Guide is very good


The little Berlitz travel book on Tallinn is worth a look too ,

available at WHS


I agree with Jackie34, if you buy Tallinn in your pocket and the Footprint guide you should have enough books. The Footprint guide tell how to get to the spesial places, i.e. what bus to take, or what tram or trolleybus to take. But there are only a few photoes and they are black/white.

Tallinn in your pocket also are a good guide, in my opinion, especially at restaurants and cafes.


I definitely agree with the others about %26quot;In Your Pocket%26quot;. I always get the latest copy in Tallinn. If you%26#39;re traveling elsewhere in Estonia, the Rough Guide to the Baltic States has good tips, info and historical background. In Tallinn I usually stay at the Reval Hotel Central, which is very good value for money and has a great location. About 55 euros for a double on Reval%26#39;s site during off-season, sometimes even cheaper on Expedia. Or try for a good selection of hotels and prices. You might check hotel catalogues at a good travel agent as well. I don%26#39;t know if they offer much in the UK.



Thanks ANDY.. I%26#39;ve managed to get hold of a copy of Tallinn In your pocket - and will get an updated version when there... i%26#39;ve also received books and maps from the Tallinn Tourist Board... so have lots to look at and plans to make... Staying at the Baltic Imperial and they ahve said they can organise a tour guide for us... In the past in Poland each time we have arranged this before and had excellent students of english for practically all day.. but that was warsaw and krakow... i am assuming Tallin isnt so big and therefore we may only need a guide for half a day or so?

If anyone knows of someone please let me know..Thanks again..


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Removed on: 8:19 am, September 11, 2009

Christmas in New Zealand?

My husbond and I are going with our 3 sons (14, 12 and 10 years old) from Spain where we live to New Zealand for a month over Christmas. Where do you think we should stay over the Christmasdays? New Years? What would be fun to do on Christmas day? New Years Eve? Any ideas? Thank you....Britt


There is always a great New Year%26#39;s Eve festival in Wanaka, and both Christchurch and Wanaka are filled, so book your hotel early, especially since you have a large party. We spend Christmas in New Zealand as often as we can, and have a few resorts on South Island which we particularly like. Since you have teens and pre-teens, I think you%26#39;d like Wanaka, Aukland, and perhaps the lovely Larnach Castle in Dunedin. If you stay at the Castle, put your boys in the Gold Rush Room -- trust me on this one. My grandsons adored it, and it was the high point of the trip, although they also liked the Hobbit Hole suite at the Minaret Lodge in Wanaka.

Just remember that it%26#39;s the middle of summer in New Zealand, and all things outdoor are at their peak -- jet boating, hiking, cave tours, cruises in the Fjordlands, etc. You%26#39;ll have a great time!


what has this got to do with Tallinn?


I thought this was the Tallinn page? BRMallorca if you want some tips on NZ send me a message and i%26#39;ll get back to you. I work in travel selling trips to Oz and Nz and have visited there so have a pretty good idea.


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Removed on: 11:19 am, September 11, 2009

Can anyone sell me Tallinn??

Hi guys,

Never been to Estonia before and looking to try somewhere different. Like the sound of Tallinn but just need an nudge in the right direction. Not a first time traveller at all so like to be independent and find my own way around but any hints/tips on how long i should stay, must see%26#39;s would be great. WIll be travelling with a 1 year old too so any help on family-friendly hotels/restaurants would be more than welcome.

Also, price comparison wise, how does it compare to other Eastern European countries such as Prague or Bratislava?

Thanks in advance.


Just go. Stunning, stunning, stunning Old Town. Really overwhelming. Lots of cobbled streets in the Old Town so a buggy might be hard work getting around if your one year old needs one. In that case i would opt for a Hotel outside of the Old Town.

You can see all of the Old Town in a day, but i personnaly found it friendly and very atmospheric and i happily stayed three days and just hung out there and relaxed.

Similar prices to Prague and BA, possibly a little bit more expensive but by no means excessively. The old town square will be more expensive, just as it is in Prague.


Dear Jimbo 16,

Tallinn %26amp; Estonian is very beautiful.

When where you planning to travel? Tallinn, Prague %26amp; Bratislava weather starts to drop from december onwards.

I can see that you our from the UK. In December, January, February %26amp; March. tempertures can dramatical drop. I would recommend you buying a whole new WINTER wardrobe for your young child.

If travelling with a young child would recommend either an old town hotel or one of the larger hotels in the business area of Tallinn.

Places to visit:

Old Town Tallinn

Kadriog Park, Muesuem etc

Toompea hill + churches

Open air mueseum

Average stay in Tallinn is 3days.

Very beautiful in December especailly as christmas market is in old town.


Guys thats fantastic, just the sort of tanswers i was looking for.

Looking at february when probably it will be at its coldest! But your right, we will dress our child appropriately, i know how cold it can get for us, i think layers is the best option - plus its not as if she%26#39;ll be able to tell us she%26#39;s too cold/hot either. Do you think we should wait till spring time?

I%26#39;m very interested in the architecture so no doubt i%26#39;ll have my head towards the sky mostly! Food wise - i%26#39;m presuming alot of the local cuisine is potato/meat based such as in Prague? We prefer to eat from local traditional restaurants as opposed to chains or international brands - any suggestions there?

We have a good buggy so the cobbled streets won%26#39;t be an issue - we all love walking and investigating things by ourselves and it seems that the city is fairly compact.



Food is similar to much of eastern Europe or much more so to Germany - so yes, Meat, Potatoes and heavy breads. Also common as throughout countries bordering the Baltic is the ubiquitous Herring.

One bit of advise i had before i went was not to get into the habit of comparing Estonia to elsewhere in eastern Europe - you probably know this but the Estonian people are closely related to the Finns with whom they are an entirely seperate ethno-linguistic group to either Slavic, Anglo-Saxon or indeed even to Balt (Latvian and Lithuanian) peoples. I mention this in case you%26#39;re dining out a lot - as one faux pas i found was offering to buy Estonian men drinks, as you would do here and many other countries. They would reply with %26#39;we have our own money%26#39; and seemed mildly insulted. Russian-Estonian men though may be very glad of a drink!!!


Thats why i find this site so useful. Its little snippets of information like that which are invaluable to travellers. Good call.

Its really hard not to compare places, especially if its a place you have never been to before. I found it hard not to do this in Bratislava as i have a real soft spot for Prague, but in no way did it detract from my enjoyment of Slovakia.


I know what you mean - i went to Prague and Bratislava then onto Budapest in the same trip. I soon got told off for comparing the Hungary to other places as the Hungarians aren%26#39;t Slavic either and there were some serious faux pas there that you would do anywhere else too.

I heard that the Estonian President called Estonia the %26#39;only post-Communist Nordic country%26#39; inferring closer ties to Finland and Scandanavia than elsewhere. I also drew scorn on myself for using the term %26#39;western%26#39; and in doing so excluding Estonia - and realised this is a very redundant term now, especially given their EU and NATO memberships.

Anyway, Tallinn blew me away - have a great time!


Last summer we were in Helsinki, Tallinn and Riga and hotels cost the same in all 3 ie not particularly cheap; in fact I think Helsinki hotel was even a bit cheaper for same standard. Eating out was cheaper in Tallinn and Riga than Helsinki though.

In Tallinn you could sometimes pay with euros (markets, some shops; in Riga only lats). I mention Riga because know you%26#39;ve posted that forum too. As I said there Tallinn Old Town is beautiful but I found it a bit Disneyfied (few if any shops not dedicated to tourists); Riga feels more authentic/grittier.

Long time since I was in Prague (2000) so can%26#39;t compare prices there. In Ljubljana in 2005 we got great deal for hotel, and meals were cheap too. And it is WONDERFUL with stunning architecture (next year maybe?!)


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Removed on: 3:18 am, September 11, 2009

Tallinn? Shoestring budget travel in Europe

...I%26#39;ve placed this same topic in the general Estonia forum as well.

My girlfriend and I are looking to travel to Europe for a single week in late October/early November, but we don%26#39;t have a ton of money. But I know that%26#39;s no excuse to let a dream die, so does anyone have any ideas? I%26#39;ve looked at multiple %26quot;Top 10 Budget Travel in Europe%26quot; lists, and many mention places I%26#39;ve briefly heard of, if at all. One of these places is Tallinn, which sounds breathtaking. Another is Vilnius. I%26#39;ve cosidered splittling a week between the two (possibly allowing for a day or two more in Tallinn), but also wanted to get any other ideas people may have considering budget travel in and around Europe. Though the above options sound pretty nice to me, I%26#39;d also like to know of any other options I have--I%26#39;ve read about Budapest, Bucharest, Prague, Krakow, Barcelona, etc.--the choices seem dizzying, and I want to insure I fill every day with the utmost, while still having enough money to do the little things. Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated - thanks!

P.S. We%26#39;re more interested in local coffee shops and bakeries, museums, etc. than we are bars and night clubs, if that helps.


Also, we%26#39;re considering Istanbul - please incorporate your thoughts on this city when discussing your opinions - thanks again!!


Prague, Krakow, Barcelona - we%26#39;ve visited these cities and each are briliant in their own right...

Paris is beautiful but expensive..

You%26#39;ve not mentioned Athens.... the cultural things to do plus the taverna scene....our longest city break was spent there.. we loved it and will go back at some stage..

We%26#39;re visitng Tallinn next march... and doesnt it look and sound fantastic...I%26#39;ve read the locals go to Cafe Chocolatiere for %26quot;real%26quot; hot chocolate and a cake....looking forward to this!

Hope you have a wonderful trip...


It%26#39;s very tricky to know how to answer you inquiry without any idea of your budget and also what you are looking for in terms of sightseeing, culture, art, museums, shopping etc.. Of the cities I have visited on your list these are my impressions

Prague and Krakow are both cheap in terms of food and drink and both have a lot to offer historically, architecurally and culturally.

Tallinn, Barcleona and Istanbul are more expensive in terms of food and drink (though still pretty cheap compared to where I am in the UK) and each has a great mixture of museums, history, culture etc..

We%26#39;ve been to Barcelona once, Tallinn twice, Istanbul three times, Prague four times (though not in the last 2 years) and Krakow five times with a sixth visit planned.

I%26#39;d be happy to provide some more information on any of them but what is it that you would like out of the holiday? Art galleries, social history, theatre, music, museums, culture etc..?

Whichever one you chose your days will be filled as there is a lot to see and do in each of them however they are all unique and it is difficult to compare them without knowing a little more about what you want.

Hope that makes sense!


Thanks so much for your thoughtful response! We are definitely looking for fascinating architecture--as my girlfriend put it, %26quot;I want to walk until I%26#39;m tired%26quot;. Museums are always an added bonus, especially for rainy days when you want to get something accomplished but the outdoors seems out of the question. As you can see from my first two answers, more than anything I%26#39;d say we%26#39;re interested in a place that%26#39;s got a lot of history to it. Concerning food, we%26#39;re big into local cuisines, so we%26#39;d love the chance to try new, exciting things that will keep us full and smiling without breaking the bank (while still leaving spare change for a yummy dessert after).

As for our budget, I%26#39;ve found that $800 per person seems the average cost to fly to any of these places, so would hope to spend little more than an additional $1000 for room/board, food, and fun (if at all possible).

Please let me know if I need to provide any more information so that you can provide an informed response--I%26#39;m not trying to be vague, I promise! :)


Thanks - that%26#39;s really useful. Just putting a few thoughts together and will get back to you



Thanks for the info- looking at what you have given I would say that of the cities you mentioned the three that seem to me to fit what you are looking for would be Istanbul, Krakow and Tallinn. Here are a few details of each plus some average prices based on our experience – we tend to stay at mid-price hotels and eat at mid-upper price restaurants.. though in Tallinn we have splurged out a bit which is reflected in the average price. You can probably do both cheaper. Anyway, it makes this a bit of a long post but here goes and I hope you find this useful

ISTANBUL is an amazing city with its Eastern and Western influences and a history that takes in Christian and Islamic Culture. It really is like nowhere else. Here are my highlights

TOPKAPI PALACE - Serene gardens, exquisitely decorated pavilions and the intriguing Harem

THE BLUE MOSQUE - beautiful artistry of construction and decoration both inside and out.

HAGIA SOPHIA - a magnificent feat of architecture with a dome that seems to hang in the air above the interior space

BASILICA CISTERN (Yerebatan Sarayi) - Eerie, haunting, unusual, fascinating

SULEYMANIYE MOSQUE - calm, peaceful and harmonious with fine masonry and decoration

GRAND BAZAAR and SPICE BAZAAR - Bustling, energetic, noisy and great, great fun.

BOSPHORUS CRUISE - watch minarets, mosques, yalis and villages slide past

THE HIPPODROME - marvel at the obelisks and imagine the chariots racing around this oval in front of cheering crowds

ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM - wonderful statues and mosaics plus the

amazing Alexander Sarcophagus

MUSEUM OF TURKISH AND ISLAMIC ARTS - a fascinating history of the development of art techniques and styles including wonderful calligraphy plus kilms and carpets

KYRIYE CAMII MUSEUM (ST. SAVIOUR IN CHORA) - amazing Byzantine mosaics, detailed and beautiful

GALATA TOWER - fantastic views over the Bosphorus, the city and beyond

DOLMABAHCE PALACE – 19th Century opulence and also home to Ataturk in the latter years of his life

YEDIKULE FORTRESS - scramble in and out of stone towers and along stone walkways and gaze across the Sea of Mamara

THODOSIAN WALLS – Although it can be difficult to climb on the walls themselves and part of the way is by a busy main road the walk takes you among areas of the city you may not otherwise see and the walls themselves, crumbling in places, are a fascinating insight into Istanbul as a fortress

ORTAKOY – nightlife and restaurants on the shore of the Bosphorus

Very easy to walk around, especially in Sultanahmet where a lot of the historical sights are situated and not far from there is the Bazaar Quarter. It is possible to walk across the Galaat Bridge to Beyoglu and up to Taksim but that is a fair walk so though we did do it (in reverse) it is easy and cheap to tram/metro it. You will need to take a bus/taxi to some places i.e. Ortakoy, Chora and Yedikule – but public transport is very cheap and taxis are not badly priced though I gather some people have been ripped of when using them (we never have been but..). However the majority of the time you will be walking and maybe using the tram to get between areas. As for local cuisine – there is loads! Fresh fish, kofkas and kebabs, yoghurt, stuffed aubergine and peppers, borek, baklava and strong, tasty Turkish coffee.

Accommodation (per room per night) - £61.00/$122.00

Evening Meal (3 course plus drink for TWO people) - £30.00/$60.00

Topkapi Palace + Harem - £7.50/$15.00

Hagia Sophia - £5.00/$10.00

Basilica Cistern – £3.50/$7.00

Beer - £3.00/£6.00

Coffee - £1.00/£2.00

Single Tram/Metro Journey - £0.60/$1.20

KRAKOW again has a wealth of culture and history, medieval streets, a castle on a hill, an old Jewish quarter and, in more recent years, occupation.

For major sights I would suggest - in no particular order that you visit

RYNEK GLOWNY - the Market square - actually you%26#39;ll probably find yourself in and around here a lot while you are in Krakow has it is the focal point of the Old Town. Take time to wander around and have a look at the architecture of the buildings surrounding the square and stop for coffee/beer/vodka or food in one of the many cafes and restaurants overlooking it.

SUKINNICE - the Old Cloth hall in the Rynel Glowny, a wonderful building - great architecture - there is a craft market in its arcades and

ST. MARY%26#39;S CHURCH - overlooking Rynek Glowny - beautifully decorated, you%26#39;ll seen get used to its recognisable silhouette. The carved high altar is astounding - visit just before midday to see the altar screen being opened

WAWEL HILL - home to the Castle and the Cathedral - wander round Wawel itself with great views over the river. The Castle has some wonderfully decorated rooms and the collection of tapestries is superb. The cathedral is quite small, intimate with a wealth of history and decoration

NATIONAL MUSEUM – great collection of 20th Century Polish Art from early 20th Century romantic paintings to modern installation and performance art

CZARTORYSKI MUSEUM – an eclectic collection of art and sculpture including Da Vinci’s “Lady with an Ermine”

ETHNOGRAPHICAL MUSEUM - a look at traditions, folklore and customs in rural Poland particularly in the 19th-early 20th Century.

KAZIMIERZ - the Jewish Quarter - lovely place to wander, interesting architecturally. The Jewish Museum within the Old Synagogue and Remu%26#39;h Cemetery are both fascinating and moving

PLANTY - if the weather is good this is a great place to walk off the lovely meals you%26#39;ll be having!

Day/Half Day Trips - from Krakow you can visit AUSCHWITZ - what can you say about going there, intense, upsetting, moving, never to be or should be forgotten. Also the SALT MINES at Wieliczka are fascinating.

It is very easy to walk around central Krakow, indeed with the exception of getting from the airport I don’t think we have ever taken public transport, just walked everywhere. Lots of places to get Polish cuisine – meaty stews and roasts such as the traditional dish bigos, salmon and trout feature quite heavily on menus and pierogi, which are kind of like filled dumplings. Some great coffee and cake shops as well. Plus Polish flavoured Vodka (cherry, honey, herb, mint) is just the best, dangerously addictive stuff!

Accommodation - £65.00/$130.00

Evening Meal (3 course plus drink for TWO people) - £29.00/$58.00

Royal Castle on Wawel Hill - £4.00/$8.00

National Museum - £3.30/$6.60

Czartoryski Museum - £1.90/$3.80

Beer/Vodka - £1.50/$3.00

Coffee - £1.50/$3.00

Tram/Bus Single Journey - £0.45/$0.90

TALLINN - Like Krakow Tallinn’s recent history has been marked by occupation and then independence, evidence of the cities maritime and mercantile past are much in evidence and the beautiful medieval old town is a UNESCO World Heritage sight. Also like Krakow is it is a city of myths, legends and stories

As to things to see and do I would suggest

THE OLD TOWN – wander round the cobbled streets and the Raekoja plats, the old town square and admire the wonderful architecture

TOOMPEA – the upper town, again a lovely place to wander among the cobbled streets and lovely buildings plus the viewing platforms has great panoramas over the old town and towards the port area

TALLINN CITY MUSEUM – learn about the social, cultural and political history of Tallinn, the way the Upper and Lower Towns were administered separately and what life was like under Soviet occupation

ESTONIAN OPEN AIR MUSEUM – absolutely fascinating look at rural life in Estonia with reconstructed farm buildings, school rooms, a fire station and a beautiful chapel. It is also a lovely place for a walk among the tress and by the sea.

KADRIORG PALACE – beautiful baroque building built by Peter the Great and now home to Estonia’s foreign Art Collection

KUMU – amazing beautifully designed modern building which houses Estonia’s National Art Collection. A real mix of different arts styles – romanticism, expressionism, modernism, graphic art etc.. represents the changes in art both in Estonia, especially when exploring national identity, and beyond.

NIGULISTE KIRIK (St. Nicholas Church) – home to a number of medieval altar pieces and paintings including Bernadt Nokte’s compelling and eerie “Danse Macabre”.

KIEK IN DE KOK – The 118ft cannon tower is an impressive defensive bastion and includes an interesting exhibition relating to Tallinn’s city defences.

CITY WALLS – give a very good impression as to what the town’s defences must have been like as well as allowing opportunities to scramble up and in stone staircases and towers

MUSEUM OF OCCUPATIONS – explores life in the period 1940 to 1991 when the country was under Nazi then Soviet rule

THE TOWN HALL – this is not open all year round but if you are visiting in summer it is worth visiting the cellar, which hosts different exhibitions relating to the city’s history, the beautifully decorated Council and Citizens Hall and the Tower with lovely views over the Old Town

ST. OLAF’S CHURCH TOWER– again this is not open all year round but if it is the climb to the top is worth the marvellous views

It is very easy – and pleasant – to walk round Tallinn’s Old Town. Public transport is cheap (free if you go for the excellent value Tallinncard) and you will need to use this (or one of the Hop On-Hop Off City Tour Buses, also free with the Tallinncard) to reach Kadriorg, KUMU and the Open Air Museum. Local cuisine includes meat and fish dishes such as lovely fresh herrings, the medieval themed restaurants have some tasty offerings and Kama, a traditional drink/dessert, is just wonderful!

Accommodation - £84.00/$168.00

Evening Meal (3 course plus drink for TWO people) - £42.00/$84.00

72 Hour Tallinncard (TC) - £19.85/$39.70 (free entry to all major museums, free public transport, free hop on-hop off bus tours)

Kadriorg Palace – Free with TC or £2.00/$4.00

Tallinn City Museum – Free with TC or £1.55/$3.10

Niguliste Kirik – Free with TC or £1.55/$3.10

Beer - £1.70 to £2.00/$2.40 to $4.00

Coffee - £1.50/$3.00

Single Journey on tram/bus – free with TC - £0.44/£0.88


Funny enough, those are the three places we%26#39;d been doing a majority of our time looking into--I think we%26#39;d landed on them as out only %26quot;real%26quot; choices for this venture as well. Thanks for all the great info--we%26#39;ll take some time to really look it over, and will then respond with any foolow-up questions we may have...or better yet, where we%26#39;ve decided to go! :)



Well, we decided we wanted to go everywhere previously mentioned, but had neither the time or money for such a takign the weather into consideration, we%26#39;ve decided on Istanbul, Turkey (and I actually just booked the flight little more than 15 minutes ago). Can%26#39;t wait!

Again, thanks for all your help and recommendations!



Try Air Baltic for cheap flights between Tallinn and Vilnius. I saw some for end of November for 36 euros one way from Vilnius to Tallinn, including all taxes (1 euro=1.41 USD). Estonian Air also offers flights. From Vilnius to Poland there are a lot of trains and buses. Air Baltic has very cheap flights from Vilnius to Berlin, easyJet from Tallinn to Berlin, where you can get five-hour train to Prague (about 5 trains per day). Train connections from Prague to Bucharest are good, too. For flights within eastern Europe try Sky Europe or Wizz Air. Sometimes Lot Polish Airlines has half decent deals. Two weeks ago I bought tickets from Berlin via Milan to Bucharest for mid November for 63 euros roundtrip, incl taxes. Sky Europe has really good prices into and out of Vienna (including Bucharest), but within Europe you%26#39;re checked luggage is usually limited to 20 kilos, just one suitcase plus carry-on. Wizz Air has a big hub in Budapest. And join the frequent flier club of whichever airline you%26#39;re flying with and you%26#39;ll have a free ticket after 2 or 3 trips to Europe. US airlines much more generous with mileage accrual than Europeans. Delta offers a lot of flights to eastern Europe. Continental has good connections to Germany and from there you can get cheap flights to eastern Europe.


Sorry I forgot to say the cheap fare from Berlin via Milan to Bucharest was on easyJet.

choosing your hotel in Tallinn

Please double check with the hotel if any construction/renovations works are happening around the hotel.

As there our 2 hotels that I know that have major construction works around them, which becomes noisy %26amp; dusty.



How about the Scandic Palace?



That%26#39;s ok Jackie....

The only banging noises you will here %26quot;is from the trams going by.........%26quot;


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Warning about

Warning about or

We booked our hotel through them and upon arrival, thay didn%26#39;t have a room. Since we had already paid, our only choice was to go to the hotel they gave us instead. A noisy concrete horror called hotel Schnelli. They refuse to refund us some of our money, allthough there is 11 euro price difference per night between the two hotels.

But please do go to Tallinn...its a beatyfull city!

All the Best

Mikkel Sander




I just checked out that website and they were the ones I almost booked with last year, until I noticed they were actually based in Russia and they wanted all the cash upfront. I asked for help on this website and Sigster contacted the actual hotel for me and helped me get a better deal with no money whatsoever changing hands.

I would agree with you that this website is a bit dodgy and best avoided.



I booked through them last year for hotel in Tallinn, and a hotel in Riga through select-latvia and had no problems with either. They do have offices in London too.

Maybe you were just unlucky; I%26#39;ve seen the occasional post on TA in the past about other agencies too. We once had a problem with a hotel not having a record of a room booked through Expedia. Luckily off-season and no problem accommodating us.



You are right, we were unlucky. But still they should have refunded some of our money, since there was a quality and price difference between the hotel we booked and the hotel we got. And that is not about luck, but about respecting your costumers.



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lady alone

hi am going to tallin in couple of weeks and due to flights mix up will find myself alone 24 hours in tallin end oct.......anyone got any ideas what i could do........ok in day just need a few bars resturants that could be recomended......don%26#39;t want to end up in red light area ....for example!!!!ha


Hi jj49,

What day of the week will this be on? depending upon the day, depends on what to recommend?

how old R U? do you like busy places? there R some nice vino tec%26#39;s (old basement wine bars)...

Restaurants what type of food do you like?


No red light districts in Tallinn, so no problems there....


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Removed on: 10:16 pm, September 11, 2009

Tallinn Nightlife - Wheres best ???

Hey All

I was just wondering if anyone could let me know about the best pubs/bars/nightclubs to go to in Tallinn please.

There is a group of 12 lads going (aged 25 to 30) for a long weekend in mid November, staying at the Reval Express by the port, which i believe is about 10 minute walk to the Old Town.

Also does anyone know how much it would be in a Cab from the Airport to there!

Your help would be great




Hi Rob,

Best nightclubs in my option is a new club %26quot;Von Uberblingen%26quot;

thats just opened. only open on friday + saturday.

other clubs:


Bon Bon

Bonnie %26amp; Clyde


Hollywood (large club) young inside




Ice Bar

Mollies irish bar

Cab price to reval express will be 150eek no more..... £6.50 maxium price.

4 to a cab so you will need 3 cabs.....


Brilliant, thanks for that.....i%26#39;ll check them out. Looks like you know your stuff!!

Hope you don%26#39;t mind me asking a couple of other quick questions!!

Is there any Sports Bar? and is the Beerhouse any good? or just an overpriced bar/restaurant!


Where to watch sports:

Mollies Irish Bar on Sq


Beer House good for a crowd. this is opersite the ice bar on dunkri street. 30 seconds walk from old town Sq.

In beer house be careful of the security as they can over react sometime


Hi H-S.... we had intended to visit the beer house.. so wondered if you would elaborate on %26quot; careful of the security as they can over react sometime%26quot; please?


Beer House is a great place....

Very popular with groups etc.

The security outfits of bars in Tallinn have the right to arrest!!!!Sometimes people can be very drunk in the beer house and maybe act in the wrong way.

Security can be heavy handed sometimes when removing people..


best keep myself in check then!!! Thanks HS



It%26#39;s hard to name the best clubs if it%26#39;s not known what type of music you like etc.

For example someone named Bonnie and Clyde - but for me it%26#39;s boring, small and as it%26#39;s in a hotel, it%26#39;s more for older tourists. Just my personal opinion.

Prive- trendy music, but for me not dancable, people seem to think they are upper class or something.

Venus - mostly Russians, but otherwise mainstream dancable music, beautiful people, beautiful club.

Hollywood - young beautiful people, always popular, especially among British lads, often foreign DJs, sometimes bands.

But my favourite is Parlament - also young people, but not too fancy, mainstream music in big hall with balconies, hiphop music in smaller hall. Lots of space, coaches, live Estonian bands.

New club Überblingen- not been there yet, but I believe it%26#39;s good like HotelsTallinn said.

If you like music of 80ies and 90ies, then Panoraam or Papillon (next to each other), but more mature crowd there.


Thanks Sigster for your reviews, very helpful indeed.


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Removed on: 9:17 pm, September 11, 2009

Street theatre festivals in Estonia or Tallinn

Aloha all!

I%26#39;m a street performer keen to go to Estonia next year in the months without snow on the ground! and was wondering if anyone knows of any festivals or even if they%26#39;ve seen people doing stuff on the streets in Estonia?! All help appreciated!!!


In Estonian, not many street performers.

manu festivals throughout the year. dates change each yr though. Have a look at the Tallinn tourist information website. this will give you a better idea when to go


will check the website out! any festivals by name that you might know...! ?!



My particular favourite is the beer festival %26quot;Ollesummer%26quot; at the begining of July, but that doesn%26#39;t actually take place on the streets although there was a medieval festival and market on in the town at the same time this year.



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Removed on: 2:19 pm, September 09, 2009

Tallinn - New Years Eve


I am taking my husband to Tallinn for a surprise New Years Eve trip and have a couple of questions I hope you can help me with as its our first visit

I am planning on having a meal in a medieval restaurant on New Years Eve - which is the best and should I book in advance? Can this be done by email?

I then thought we would enjoy the fireworks in the Town Square with a bottle of champagne and head off to a nightclub - which are the best nightclubs for a couple in their late 20%26#39;s and how would I book in advance - can you book online?

Sorry for all the questions, its just that I thought I had better make sure I do it correctly!

Many thanks



You will need to book any restaurant for new years eve well in advance.....

Medieval Estonian restaurants

Olde Hansa

pepper Sack


Night clubs would recommend booking also in advance............


Hi, t

try Nevskij, it is really nice, I have been also to a few other places, but it is still better.

It is also very close to Town Square, you should contact it in advance, you can find it:…

The food is really bad in Olde Hansa and Peppersack, maybe Maikrahv is a little better..



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Removed on: 12:16 pm, September 11, 2009

December in Tallinn


I am planning a surprise birthday trip for my boyfriend, and was wondering if anyone has been to Tallinn to recommend it?

How cold is it in December in oC?? I have read somewhere it is no less than -5, but then elsewhere it says up to -20!!

Also, can i expect snow in early december?

i am thinking of staying in the Tallink Spa Hotel - has anyone been here? Many hotels are already fully booked.



Hello Lainey1984,

December is a popular time as the Christmas market is opening in the old town.

Temp changes every year, Cannot guarentee snow, but would expect temp from +6 to -+4

Tallink Spa Hotel is about 15mins walk to the oldtown. If its cold and snowy you will be using taxi%26#39;s though.

If you do this an old town hotel is sometimes cheaper......

Have been to Tallink Spa hotel. nice, but many finnish peoeple there......


Hi hotels

Does Finnish guests equate to %26quot;semi naked old people wandering around the hotel%26quot; as it does at the Pirita Spa? Not that we saw any, but then again we were too busy enjoying your hospitality as well as the fab beer festival. Don%26#39;t forget next year the drinks are on me (well on Peter as I don%26#39;t work)



Tallink Spa hotel has an attrum...

So the chance of seeing other guests is high


lying in the pool which is in the centre of the attrum with there big beer belly next to there mistress so that all the people can see the action jackson......

NO really I do like the hotel..

p.s. jackie

Tallinnk Spa hotel much better than pirita spa hotel. Will hold you on the drink.....

All the best........ Maybe see you during Christmas market or new year in Tallinn?


Thanks ever so much for your response.

Can you advise any hotels in the Old Town that would be a better location? Most of them seem to be booked already?

How much would a taxi be from the Tallink spa to the Old Town?



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Removed on: 6:21 am, September 10, 2009

tallinn - helsinki ferry

I will be in Helsinki for a few days in mid-November, and I hope to take the ferry to Tallinn for a day. Do some of the ferry lines run year-round? I realize there may be a good chance of cancellation due to weather.


no problems in mid november.... fast boats may also be running if the ice and bad weather has not arrived..


Do not worry about your trip to Tallinn. As alternative variant you can use the plane Estonian Air (, Finnair ( or Finncomm Airlines (


We just returned from Tallinn and we took a ferry for the day to Helsinki. When you arrive in Tallinn, it%26#39;s about a 10 min. walk to the Old Town...good place to spend the day.


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Removed on: 4:16 am, September 12, 2009

Finding an apartment in Tallinn


Me and my friend are looking to book a trip to Tallinn from about 12th December for 4 or 5 nights and are looking to rent an apartment for our stay. Can anyone recommend any good websites to go through or the best places to stay? I would think Old Town would be the best but just wondered if anyone had any other ideas?

Many thanks



Victoria have emailed you..



I stayed with a friend in the Old Town through We found them to be a good agency and their offices were easy to find to pick up the key. The apartment we had was on Vene in the Old Town, well located, and a good standard.

I would say that the Old Town would be best for the sheer experience and atmosphere, especially at night.


Thanks for that - I%26#39;ll check them out!



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Removed on: 10:16 pm, September 10, 2009

new years day

Will everything be shut on new years day in Tallinn?


Banks, offices and shops are closed on the 1 January - New Year%26#39;s Day.


pretty much ... i mean many stores are closed also - many of them use that day to do the annual stock take.

that%26#39;s the hang over day - everybody sleeping until very late ...


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Removed on: 1:19 am, September 12, 2009

Over-run by Stags?

Been reading up on the Baltic capitals, Riga %26amp; Vlinius appear to have fallen victim to Brits on %26#39;Stag Weekends%26#39;, is Tallinn the same? How bad is it? I mean if you are a couple who want to go out and have a few drinks are you likely to;

a - Run into legions of drunken Brits, (could stay at home and get this)


b - Run into resentful locals sick of the above?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


a) Yes. But you can easily avoid them - there are a few places that attract them and plenty more places that don%26#39;t. Most stag groups will hang around a small part of the old town at night, rather like they hang around the red light district in Amsterdam and you can avoid them by not going there.

b) Yes. But not as much as in Riga where you%26#39;d run the risk of violence and you%26#39;d meet plenty of people who have more balanced impressions of Brits. Tallinn has a much broader base of tourists than Riga which is a bit %26#39;Stag-heavy%26#39; if you like. The old town has also become expensive by Estonian standards so not so many locals will drink there compared to the other Baltic capitals.

Tallinn actually has been getting stag groups longer than Riga or Vilnius and seems to tollerate them more.

But most of all, don%26#39;t let it put you off.


Dear Strummer Jones,

Dont believe everything you read in the press.

Actually there R very few stag parties in Tallinn, 1 or 2 groups a weekend.

Which is 20people in a population of 400,000 people in Tallinn.

Needle in a hay stack, especailly during winter. when there are no outside cafes operating.

Dont hesitate to come to Tallinn, but wrap up well as winter has just arrived....


We were in Tallinn in July - over a weekend - and although we did see a couple of groups of lads which looked like stag parties they seemed very well behaved.

We stayed out until midnight and after most nights having a drink and saw no trouble. As for the local Estonians they were friendly, welcoming and we certainly didn%26#39;t sense any resentment.

Go to Tallinn, it%26#39;s a beautiful city!


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Booked Swissotel for November.

How is the construction going?


Its still under construction.

I understand they have completed furnishing one floor out of the 33 floors they have.

It will be tight. Still 64days until you arrive there. That 1 floor every 2 days.................

Its amazing how quickly things get done at the last minute though.

I will take a picture this weekend when I walk by. and post them on this forum.

Maybe they will be opening certain floors and the F%26amp;B outlets if they dont complete on time, that is also an option they have.

How much did you pay per night for a twin room? I presume you got this special offer price?


This came out in the papers today.

Opening of Swissotel delayed again

The opening of the Tornimae hotel tower in Tallinn has been delayed because construction work is not yet complete. The Swissotel therefore cannot open its doors. The construction company Lemminkainen will end its work in October.

Aripaev, 2007-09-19

Then the fit out of the hotel will have to be done? plus tests etc.


undate on Swissotel.

Understand from reports that the hotel will open in the 1st week of November possibley 2nd week of november.

But you never know with construction companies.......


18 of us booked in for the 9th of November.

I hope they get a move on.


If they have guarenteed your booking, and you have a confirmation number and they are not open on time. they must move you to a hotel of equal standard...


They can notifiy you that the hotel will not be open on time. which they may do 2 days before your arrival. Then they will help you make another booking with another hotel.

I understand that they will be open end of 1/2nd week of november but this could also be 3rd week. I dont know, but I am sure the GM of the hotel will have a better idea. send him an email.

Would recommend that you put pressure on them to guarentee your booking.... or find you another hotel.

Problem is that its not the hotels fault !!!!!! Its the construction company as always promising things they cannot do on time.

This always happens with every hotel opening as they want to open hotel with bookings so they take them....

You could be lucky.... keep your fingers crossed


Just recieved confirmation that Swissotel will not open this year.

Booked Telegraf


Dear Elma1a,

sorry to hear that.....

I did try to warn you..... Never mind, I am sure you will enjoy Tallinn. wrap up well though as winter has already arrived.


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Removed on: 2:17 pm, September 12, 2009

Help please - restaurants New Years Eve


I wonder if anyone can help - I need to book a restaurant for New Years Eve and have tried emailing various restaurants but no response! We arrive in Tallinn late on the 30th Dec - would there still be tables available at any restarurants if we left it that late?

Has anyone got any recommendations of places that may still have spaces for 2 people on New Years Eve?




There will be NO tables left. you need to book in adavnce. which restaurants are you interested in. lots are already sold to Russian groups.

If you send me a personnel message via tripadvisor with your email. I will help you from this end.


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Tallinn in Late December

I have a couple of questions about visiting Tallinn in late December. How much daylight is there at that time of year? This will probably be ther furthest North I have ever been and am not sure what to expect. I know it will be cold, but how cold? Below zero farenheit? I may want to check out Helsinki for a day. Are ferries still running that time of year? Finally, are most tourist attractions open that time of year? Thanks in advance for everyones help.



Hey Mike! I live in Oslo, Norway and the climate here is quite similar to Tallinn. It can get as cold as 26-C*! Then you also get the cold wind from the sea...

Of course I%26#39;m not 100% sure, but everytime I%26#39;ve been to Tallinn the weather has been about the same as in Oslo!

Have a nice trip! Check out the Christmas market, I%26#39;m dreaming of seeing it myself!


The temperture in december is normally from +5 to -5

The amount of day light in december is: around 6hours

slow boats run to helsinki every day (3.5hrs)

helcopter (12mins)

Most tourist attractions the same except sunny activities etc


Thanks for the info. When you say %26quot;+5 to -5%26quot;, I,m hoping you mean Celcisus!!!



We%26#39;re going o be there then too, will the sea be frozen and is there any chance of snow?



Sea is not normally frozen in december, So i could not recommend driving across the rivers at this time.

But there should be snow


Well, late December last year i remember was -15-20C and very snowy and my English friend was freezing. Of course sometimes it may be milder -5, but i wouldnt count on that!


Hello Astapasta!

I am from Oslo, and live now in Estonia.

I will not compare Tallin with Oslo at all. Exept the summer in the downtowns, and central west (Oslo 1, 2 and 3)

You must further south in Norway (as Kristiansand), or to Gothenburg in Sweden to find more the simularitys in weather.

The autumn came on same time in Oslo as in Tallin, But Tallin is much more windy.

The winther is much, much warmer in Tallin, but it is more windy. Estonia is flat, but in Oslo is it only close to the fjords (as the downtown) that you can feel the wind from the sea. Oslo is afull of high valleys. I guess that 50% of Oslo - lives over 50 meter over the sea-level, and just as often over 5 km from the sea as well.

The spring came normally 7-10 days later in Tallin, then in Oslo! Like leaves on the threes, and same sort of flowers. I know it well, because I was maried to a girl from Tallin the last years I lived in Norway. And we was in several phones to mother in law every day. I do not know why the winter-cold Oslo gets the spring earlier every year.

The summer is quite simular! - So I guess you are mostly a typical summertourist, that by quincident have met a cold witherperiode in Tallin once. Sometimes it`s snow for days in London as well.


december temperature -5 to +5 degrees celsius is typical but it is humid and windy and sometimes something is coming down from sky - you cannot really define if it is rain or snow and that is terrible. -30 degrees with no wind is easier to tolerate. bring your warmest clothes (waterproof!). though the termometer is around 0 it feels much colder.

but you never know - our climate is quite labile - so i would not surprise if it will be -20 or +10 celsius. last year beginning october my plants were killed by -10 but few years ago end november garden was in flowers ...


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Tallinn University Students

I ask anyone who can to help me getting into contact with Tallinn University ICT Students

Please, please, please, anyone who can help!



Try ask from Tallinn University Union.

Telephones: +372 6 409 129 or +372 56 630 395



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I am a British citizen visiting Estonia next month. I would really like to visit Ivangorod on a day trip. Is this still impossible without a Visa?


yes, you need to get a visa for Russia.


I am thinking of visiting ivangorod by bus from tallinn o7855 804012 07977227321


Did u make ivangorod trip


can anyone help with how much it will cost by taxi from Tallinn airport to city centre and which currency will be need.


The currerncy you will need is Estonian Kroons (EEK) and there is an ATM at Tallinn airport. I%26#39;m not quite sure about the cost of taxi but I think from about 130EEK to 200 EEK, depending on time of the day and the traffic. You can also take bus nr. 2 from the airport to te city centre.


budget £6 one way


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Removed on: 3:18 pm, September 13, 2009

Some general reviews

I have been reading a bunch of suggestions from the forums as well as taking some advice from friends and thought I would make a post on my experience thus far. First - I drove from St Petersburg through Narva to Tallinn. Was pretty easy but the border crossing may take you a little while if you are doing it - overall though it wasn%26#39;t bad, about 5 hours total. The roads in Russia were fairly bad but once in Estonia very nice roads and what a beautiful country. We are staying in the Family Room at the GoHotel Shnelli. Nothing big but enough space for my wife and I and our 3 kids. There is a pullout couch in a tv room that the kids are sleeping on and a seperate bedroom for us - also 2 bathrooms which is nice. There is a beautiful view to the Old City and the staff have been extremely nice and helpful. We did find that if you contact the hotel directly the rate they can give (or are giving) is only 84 Euros a night for our room but is 104 Euros a night from the internet so contact them directly. The gal at the front desk recommended the restaurant Old Hansa but warned it was a little pricey. The place was great and yes was a bit expensive but living in St Pete we are used to it (4 entrees with drinks ran us about 800 kroon or $70US). I thought it was worth it but I%26#39;m sure there are other good restaurants as well. Old town is also a beautiful area with lots of shopping and restaurants. We are taking a ferry, car and all, to Helsinki for two days then will be back in Tallinn for two more before heading back to St Pete.


Thank you Mr Yank for your review.... glad you are enjoying your break...we%26#39;re off to tallinn in march so pleased to hear more positive things about the city... I wish you a safe and pleasant trip back...cheers


been to tallinn 3 times love it thinking of getting visa and bus to ivangorod and 1-2days walking around and eating drinking in ivangorod feasable or madness?


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Removed on: 4:19 pm, September 13, 2009

Where can I see football match

We are looking forward very much to visiting Tallinn later this month but we would like to watch the champions league football whilst on our visit. Is there anywhere near the old town where it will be shown . Your help would be much appreciated.


3 main places in Tallinn.

01. Molly%26#39;s Itish Bar on the old town Sq

02. Nimeta - sur kara - 1 min walk from old town

03. Nemega - sur kara - 1 min walk from old town


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Removed on: 5:23 am, September 13, 2009

New Year 2007 parties


I looking for some alternative,rock and blues club in Tallin. And which bands will play in New Years Eve in these clubs.


I dont know of any clubs that will be playing rock %26amp; Blues

What I could try if I was you is the following: These are not night clubs though.....

Rock Cafe:



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Removed on: 1:24 am, September 08, 2009

Telegraaf or Tallink Spa hotel?

Hi everyone,

I really can%26#39;t decide whether to stay at the Tallink Spa or Telegraaf hotel in Tallinn - the Telegraaf is £100 more - but location seems best?

Help!!! I want to book for early december.



I think the decision is yours!

Do you want to spend £100 more

Oh course if you up grade to a better class (different style) hotel and pay more money the experience will be better.

Both of the hotel our brand new, Tallinn Spa opened 6months ago, and the telegraph hotel opened 4months ago.

Location is very important especailly during the winter time...


I had a tour of the rooms at the Telegraff last week. I went to the Tallink Spa to have a look as it seemed interesting to me. I didnt go into any rooms. But let me tell you that hotel is not that bad a walk outside the Old Town on a nice day but if its cold, rainy, or snowy it will seem like a long walk and you cross a busy street. Also be very careful when you book the Tallink as most rates DO NOT include the spa. How they can control it I dont know though as the main lobby is one big pool. Back behind are saunas and steam rooms. Maybe they give you a wrist band to go back there like other spas in town.

The Telegraff is just a few steps off the town square in the heart of Old Town. The Tallink is outside the city wall toward the port. The area around the Telegraaf is charming. It is the PRIMO location in all Tallinn. The area around the port is NOT charming nor primo. The two hotels nearest the Tallink are the two cheapest in Tallinn.

I had a tour of all the rooms types at the Telegraff, plus a walk through of the spa and dining area, lobby etc. I can tell you the Telegraff is really nice! They have older style rooms in front with street view. In winter it shouldnt be noisy. These rooms have double windows. It is kept in the %26quot;old style%26quot; of when the building was a post office. They are a bit more pricey than the modern rooms in back. Those dont have a view. But really all the rooms are VERY nice. I actually prefer the new and they are cheaper but you look out over nothing or a wall. The windows are deep in the old you wont see a lot outside and the street is narrow.

I dont know if you travel light or heavy but keep in mind that many Old Town hotels in Tallinn Riga and elsewhere are not reachable with a cab. You have to walk the last bit yourself! Buses I know can NOT drive to the Telegraaf. They park about 300 yeards away and they send a porter. But its worth it if you dont mind paying as the atmosphere around the Telegraaf is nice where that around the Tallink Spa is just windswept port area.

If the Spa sounds appealing remember the Telegraaf has its own spa and it is nice and upscale and quiet. I didnt see any screaming kids jumping around like at the Tallink .

Or if you choose a different hotel you can go into some spas on your Tallinn Card if you buy it. One time entry to each item on the Tallinn card. Kalev Spa on the east edge of Old Town is one. Entry without Tallinn card is 110 Kroon, or about $10 us or 5 pounds.

Also the Pirita Top Spa is on the card but has less to offer in the free areas and its out in Pirita a bus ride away but the bus is free on the Tallinn card too.

So...I dont know your budget. But the Telegraaf is a much better location and more upscale for sure. But to me a hundred pounds is a fortune. I stayed at Hotel Bern that I booked on and it offered 34 Euro Single and 40 Euro double. This was Oct 07. The Kalev Spa is steps away! Old town steps away. The Viru Mall a short walk. It met my expectations very well and if your cab knows how to get there he can drive up! Mine didnt and he left us way off. By the way if you can avoid cabs by all means do it every chance you get. They are almost all crooked everywhere in the Baltics or else imported from outside the country and might not know where they are going like mine and then they overcharge to boot!

So my vote is the Telegraaf if you got the pounds, go for it! It has a nice feel, warm staff, nice fireplace. Feels homey and the location cant be beat. If you need internet they hand you a laptop to use there in the lobby. You will be in the heart of Tallinn. The other might be fun, but you wont feel like your in Tallinn out by the dock and its more like a water park attraction.


sokus viru is fantastic views bars and nightclub dead central back door actually exits into shopping precinct good buffet breakfast i paid £54 twin with breakfast all in in april expdia it is 10 mins at most frm telegraf


Thanks for all the advice, it has been really helpful!

I chose the Tallink Spa in the end - because I thought the extra £120 that Telegraff would have cost will go a long way towards meals/excursions. Maybe I have made the wrong decision because of location! Oh dear.

Thanks for your advice about taxis - I will have to find out which bus to get from the airport - does anybody know?


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Baltic Imperial Hotel

Hi - has anyone stayed here recently and whether you booked directly of via aTA/Airline please?







It doesn%26#39;t look like anyone from TA stayed here recently but here is a link to;s website and their reviews for the same hotel.;label=hotel-24561-ee-

I would try booking direct with the hotel to see if you can get a better rate, avoid booking through a third party if you can.




Hi Jackie.. thaNK YOU FOR THOSE...i%26#39;VE ALREADY BOOKED US IN AND GOT A really good deal... just wanted to ask someone a question thats all...

Virginian- thank you - already use that siste...


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Tallinn, March 2008

Hello everyone!

I%26#39;ve just recently booked a trip to Tallinn in mid March. Whilst there I%26#39;m planning a day trip to Helsinki. If anyone can give me hints and tips on the best way of booking my ferry I%26#39;d be very grateful.

Also, if anyone has any %26quot;must see/do%26quot; things whilst in Tallinn, I%26#39;d appreciate hearing about them.



You don%26#39;t need to book the ferry tickets in advance, it doesnt usually make any difference in price if you buy them the same day, except if they have any campaigns.

%26quot;Must see%26quot; topics you can find in the same forum in eralier postings as i can remember.


Thanks for that information. I%26#39;ll have a proper look through all the posts for the other stuff.

Cheers, Iain


Well, what you must see depends on your interest but I%26#39;ll give you my list:

1. The Old Town (Vanalinn in Estonian)

2. The museum of Ocupation

3. An evening in the Opera or a balett, depends What%26#39;s on.

4.The museum of film and music

5. A visit to Bogapott cafe (my personal favourite)


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Flights from Scotland

Hi I%26#39;m planning on visiting Tallinn in July 2008 does anyone know where I should start looking for reasonable priced flights and accomodation or am I better of getting a package deal? any help would be really appreciated.

Cheers Froach


Hi Froach -did you google ? I dont know whether the following helps but I found:

Aberdeen to tallinn ttp://

http://www.lastminute. have edinburgh to tallinn but very expensive but check this site%26#39;%26#39; (with bmi %26amp; some with estonian air) and maybe not direct!

easyjet glasgow or edinburgh -%26gt; stanstead

easyjet - stanstead -%26gt; tallinn

…… for Manchester -%26gt; Tallin

good luck



We booked and paid for our July flights to Tallinn in September, we managed to get £60 returns with Estonian Air from LGW. So my advice is the sooner the better.



i actually had some friends from scotland. whom went to riga latvia and then took the coach to Tallinn (coach is 4 and half hours by coach) return ticket flight + coach £68.....

flights on ryan air...

I dont think u can do better than that.....

What i would recommend is 2 days in Riga and 2 days in Tallinn.

If you can do that....


we travelled from berwick by going edinburgh to stansted easy jet -then an overnight stop in ahotel followed by a 7am flite to tallinn getting there around 12 ish. on the way back it was the same but did it in 1 day by leaving tallinn about 11 am then to stansted for 3 pm and a flite to ed at around 5ish.....we went sat to wed and it was about the rite amount of time.we booked up as soon as flites were out and think it cost about £80for all the flites.


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i would like to spend christmas in tallinn with my boyfriend (23rd-26th dec). does anyone know if shops,bars restaurants etc will be open during this time


24th might be quite quiet in the city center, but during other days there should not be that much difference in opening hours.


Hi Duckett,

Every Year I post on the forum a list of shops, bars, restaurants and meuseums that are open during the festive season.

I will do the same this year. But will post it around 20th of December.

In Estonia they celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December and on the 25th of December estonians visit there families normally.

Sunday 24th, Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th of December our all public holidays in Tallinn.

So anywhere open during this times pays double wages hence that why only a select few will be open.

On Sunday the 24th of December most of the shops will be closed, there will be a selection of shops i.e. shopping centres that will be open.

Again a small selection of bars and restaurants will be open.

Not sure reagrding 25th and 26th of December but will post on forum on the 20th of december a list of






That will be open during festive season

So only a selected few


Yes they will. I am also spending christmas with my wife too.

I hope we have snow we live in Helsinki and are takeing a break.


Iam originally from Estonia,Parnu county.Living in London at the moment,i love this city.But there is nothing better that Christmas at home with nice snow and a littel bit freezn weathere ,mybe -10-15in the country side.Its so romantic.

I ll take my boyfriend with me this time , i think he will get shock nice way, how cold it can be and lots of snow hopefully this year.He hasnt experience this before;)And if we are luky and there is deep snow its no escape from littel village, cause it can be problem with local buses or any traffic.

Its lovely to stay parents house while, wooden oven is hot and mom is busy at kitchen.That would be my perfect christmas with people i love.

Have a nice Christmas!


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