Monday, April 23, 2012

food allergy

Please can anyone help us with a little Estonian?

My husband has a severe allergy to all types of %26quot;nuts%26quot; and we are visiting Tallinn in three weeks time with are children. We are concerned when eating out and would like to be able to make this clear when ordering food. Also does anyone have any ideas how to keep to children (6 %26amp; 12) happy in a very cold Tallinn. We will be staying at GoHotel Shnelli.


Hi! As I understand you want to know what nuts is called in Estonian - it%26#39;s PÄHKLID (in plural), PÄHKEL (one).

Tallinn hasn%26#39;t been cold this year at all, I would really call it English winter:). And i have to say that children bear cold much better than adults. Children even go to play outside when it%26#39;s -25C while adults want to sit in.


I would print up a card with:

HOIATUS, ma olen allergiline PÄHKLITE vastu.

(Warning, I am allergic to nuts.)

Alos, most people in restaurants speak English.


Hello. I am also severely allergic to nuts as well as other things. My mum e-mailed the Estonian Embassy and explained my allergies and gave examples of what we would like translated. They were kind enough to do the translations for us which I laminated and took to Tallin with us 2 weeks ago. I am at work at the moment so don%26#39;t have the info on me but if you still need the info just let me kow and I will type them up on here for you. It made our trip a lot less stressful as we didn%26#39;t have to worry about restaurants understanding the seriousness of the situation!


The translations here were provided by the Estonian Embassy so should be accurate (in theory!). I certainly didn%26#39;t have anybody laughing at my card when I showed it in restaurants. Obviously these are specifically for my nut and egg allergies so may need to be modified slightly.

1. I used this at every restaurant we ate in.

Important notice for use in restaurants

I am allergic to nuts/peanuts/eggs - This is a very serious condition and I can die if I eat the above food or if the food is cooked or prepared with oils which contain the nuts or eggs. What food may I safely eat?

Ma olen allergiline pähklitele ja munale. Millist toitu teie menüüst võin ma süüa, mis ei sisalda pähkleid/muna, ega ole valmistatud ainetest mille tegemiseks on kasutatud pähkleid/muna. Tegemist on allergiaga mis võib põhjustada surma.

2. Hopefully this one won%26#39;t be needed!

Urgent Notice - Help

I am suffering from a severe allergic reaction (Anaphylactic Shock) - please call an ambulance urgently.

Aidake palun, mul on allergiline šokk ning vajan koheselt kiirabi.

Enjoy your trip!


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