Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bus travel to Lahemaa

I would like to visit Lahemaa this summer by public transport. My family consists of 2 adults and 2 young children and I%26#39;m afraid the price for a tour with Estadventures might be more than budgeted.

Which bus stop would be the best one to stop at to visit Lahemaa to get the best feel of this park ?



What do you want to do in the park? The English version of the official website is not very informative.

The visitor centre is in Palmse manor, it has a museum and a lovely park. Not too much wilderness, though. But a decent bus connection from Tallinn. Unfortunately the bus connection to other places is not that good.

If you want to explore nature, then marked trails give you a good overview (and feel) of the landscape. They are all listed on the website. BUT the bus connection isn%26#39;t too good. A number of the trails are around Võsu, a small summer resort with superb beach and traces of former glory. In the summer there is usually a direct connection, but there is no info on the bus schedules, hopefully something will appear in May (keep an eye on you decide on nature expereince, you should be looking for bus connections to Käsmu, Võsu or Altja. Võsu as such is the least beautiful, but local centre. All three combine sea experience and marked trails for hiking. Beautiful,I can promise you that! Trails are not difficult, I%26#39;ve done some with 6 yr olds. Also Sagadi is a good spot (manor, museum, nature centre), Oandu nature trail is some 3 km from the manor.

I don%26#39;t mean to be discouringing about the bus connection. If you are used to independent travelling, it%26#39;s perfectly doable. I have yrs of experience. It%26#39;s worth the trouble.

Another option (if you are not 100% set on Lahemaa) is to travel a bit further and explore the area btw Saka, Toolse, Ontika, Purtse. It is famous for the Baltic clint. There are nature trails. See BUT again, the bus connection is not clear until early summer. And I am not in the position to give tips%26amp;advice on that area. Lahemaa I love and know :)


One more thing. A good option that locals use is sth called %26quot;Looduse omnibuss%26quot;, literally the Nature%26#39;s Own Omnibus :) It makes day trips to places of cultural and natural interest every weekend. It costs appr 8€.

For tourists there are two drawbacks. Destinations are announced Wednesday-Thursday prior to the outing. So it%26#39;s hard to plan a trip to particular destination, but if you decide to %26quot;go with the flow%26quot;, you%26#39;ll end up in an facinating place. Usually with an expert. The other drawabck is the language, their website is in Estonian only. But I suppose you can always contact them and ask for info.


Thanks for your very detailed answer. This helps a lot. I%26#39;m considering both options at the moment although the Estadventures tour looks more rewarding.


There are other companies that do trips to Lahemaa. Orion reisid, Estonianexperience, City Bike, Reisiekspert ... I am sure there are more. But I suppose the price range is quite similar.

The bus connection got rather good a few yrs ago. The seaside area is usually covered in the summer schedule, bcauseeverybody need to sunbathing ;) It used to be 2-3 busrides a day (at least 1 in the morning adn 1 in the evening), but last year it was cut down to 1 again. Which would mean that you%26#39;d have to spend the night in Lahemaa. On the positive side, there are lots of B%26amp;B%26#39;s and home accommodations. When are you coming?


We have a similar problem. Visiting in July and would like to go to Endla Bog Nature Reserve, but will have no car. Will there be buses?


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